Mind over matters!

I always get the inspiration from music. The lyrics of the songs conveying the feelings of its writer, taking me in that mood and making me their’s.. I can get lost in the depths of its various shades, i can even draw multiple meanings of them on my own accord.. getting my own set of meanings, relating my own feelings with them and making them “personal”. And thus the song becomes so close to me, thus there exists a special connection with it.. then whenever I feel the same “mood”, I listen to that particular song again. It then inspires me as nothing else. 

Today is the same case. I left the cold n lifeless office building and walked to the park. Feeling the warmth of the hot April sun, still feeling so fresh in that summer air as I stepped on the pavement. Plugging the earphones in my ears, I started the song of my “mood”. I reached the park and it gives me surprise! There are sprinklers everywhere and the soft drizzle is coming out of them every here and there.. as soon as I entered the area of the park, it felt so cool and calm.. the hot summer air is nomore so hot in here.. the water droplets from the sprinklers were making it cool. The greenery was more green as every little leaf of the shrubs was getting washed with the cold water.. It was so refreshing. So calm. So serene.. all the worries, all the uncertainties  were fading away from my mind.. as if getting washed away by those tiny little droplets of the water.. 

Here I sit on the bench, looking at the trees in front of me, which were being bathed by the water and getting refreshed again.. being their real “green-self”.. dipicting the positivity, the strength, the power, the capability of creating something new.. standing there majestically as they truely are.. ๐Ÿ˜Š

And then the direction of my thoughts also turned towards the greener part of my life.. making me positive, giving me strength and making me feel powerful. Giving me the hope that I can have that capability too.. to create something new.. to bring something new in my life. 

I wondered what caused the sudden change in my mood!? The music? Or was it the greenery? The sprinkling water may be?.. No.. none of them. 

It was the will to get inspired. Will to see positivity. Will to be happy and content with whatever we have. If we have that will, any simple little thing can motivate us to see the brighter side of our life. A simple song, the flying birds, an errandly running carefree child even a geeky nerd who is trying to make something work with all her might!!! (Okay, probably that wont work.. ๐Ÿ˜‰) but getting to the bottom line; its our “will” that inspires us when we are in “not so good” mood, when we are confused, when we are unable to understand things and unable to take the right decisions.. 

Its just the will to making things all right is the thing which makes things all right!
Happy Positivity!


I couldn’t write for a few days. I was stuck at work, worked for late hours for almost two weeks and was very exhausted. Now the workload is comparatively less and I can finally, freely think my thoughts through.

Obviously, I was not happy with so much of work! ๐Ÿ˜› Besides, the things that I was doing were a bit tricky and difficult. I was taking my time for completing my tasks, asking help from my friends as and when needed and was going with my own pace but then I also had to answer to the people who were waiting for my work to be done so that they can start their work. (hate the dependencies) . So there was this pressure too. i was annoyed and irritated due to the constant checks on my work.

Eventually, I completed my tasks, informed the concerned people so they started their work and finally I found some quite and peace.

When I reflect back on those few days of hard-work and the current state of my mind, surprisingly, I am happy! and what’s more, I am satisfied too!

Is this the meaning of the phrase “work-satisfaction”? I suppose it is! It is the happiness when you fulfill your responsibilities. It gives you the confidence that you can work under the circumstances you faced completing your previous tasks. The satisfaction that you created something and that is helping somehow to other people and making their lives better.

I am happy and satisfied by doing the work about which I am very neutral. I wonder how much happiness and satisfaction those people might be getting who are really very passionate and very fond of their work.

And I hope that someday I will be lucky enough to feel that kind of happiness and that kind of satisfaction. I hope for the day I will be working for the things I am very passionate about..

Till then, I have to be satisfied with what little satisfaction I am getting! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Back to Black

โ€‹The sky is all orange, pink, opal and blue. The sun rays are scattered through clouds and are not so harsh. I take the view in , lazily, knowing these colors are soon to get disappeared, soon to be replaced by more vibrant, more bright and more harsh colors and I will lose the sight of these beautiful color palette.

I notice the colors fading in front of me. But to my surprise, they are not replaced by the brighter colors. Those colors just got disappeared. . into nothingness.. And there are no colors at all.. Only the Black. There is this black color spilled through out the sky till my eye sight can reach. It is pitch black. I can’t see anything, not single thing for reference, not a single color to cling by and to remind me that this is the same place I witnessed the shower of brilliant colors a few minutes ago. A few minutes? or a few hours? How much time gone by? I don’t even realize the time anymore.

It is in that moment I realize that I am not chasing the dawn. I am chasing the dusk. I am chasing the blackness from the starting. But isn’t there a ray of light in dusk too? Where is the moon? Where are the stars? Why it is only the vast expanse of blackness? nothingness?

I start drowning. Spinning deeper and deeper and no one knows.  No one to save me, no one to catch me.. I am all alone, speeding, falling rapidly into the darkness which has no dawn, no sunrise and no tomorrow. I am going into the eternal darkness.

Moments to cherish!

You are a closed off person. You don’t share much with others, you don’t want to. That’s just the nature, you can’t help it. You play very safe, the game called “life”. Your life is so normal, monotonous even, with no incidences at all and you are happy with it. But soon you realize “normal is boring!”, you see around, the people with you. You pick some “girl-friends” to do the small talks, still very careful about sharing even the smallest of details about you. Soon you get to know the territory with its limits and you try to share your small bits and pieces.

And one day, out of the blue, oh-so-unexpectedly, one of your “girlfriends” shows you that she cares.. It’s the simplest possible gesture, very normal thing, if considered in different context but it earns the value and the preciousness when you know the thought process behind it. When you know she has known the same little things which others knows but she uses it so effectively that you realize, only she can think of such ideas.

When it all gets revealed in front of all your friends and colleagues, you can’t content the overwhelming feelings, you just luckily manage to control your eyes somehow!

These are the times when you know someone cares. Someone understands and someone is perfectly fine with what you are. You know that you no more have to take efforts to “fit” in.

And then, the word “thanks” seems very insignificant..


Waking up and getting out of the bed is such a task! Especially when the “winter is coming” and we feel that hint of cold in the early morning and we just want to snuggle up in our furry blankets and just sleep “5 more minutes”! Even on work days, I can imagine how much work the “snooze” button is compelled to do! Then finally when we get up, still trying to get the sleep out of our system, the clock ticks by and the morning is just gone!

The reason behind this recitation of the usual morning routine is an experience. My brother woke me up today at around 6 in the morning and asked me to give him company for his morning walk. I agreed and we left the home.

It was still dark outside, just a whisper of dawn making the surroundings slightly visible. I noticed quite a lot of people going towards the small park for their morning walks. My brother was quite enthusiastic and he started with great pace and I fell behind him.

I was still gathering my surroundings and didn’t mind catching the speed! The park was obviously full of greenery. Sliders, a few swing sets were all abandoned as there were no kids playing at the time. At the center place though were some elderly people practising “yoga”. The park was unusually quite.

I started walking on the pavement around the park. I felt less cold now as I was gathering my usual pace. The park was surrounded by buildings and I was able to get a small glimpse of sky where something glittery caught my eye. Thinking it as a star, I further craned my neck to get a look but it again got hidden by another building. To again get a look, I either had to return a few steps back or take another round of the park. As there were many people walking, I imagined what all will think if I suddenly turn back and march a few steps to stare in the sky so I decided to take another round!
I obviously increased my pace now and slowed down a bit when I reached the spot. What I saw was the mesmerizing sight! There was the moon, full and silver, shining bright with all its glory, living its last few minutes on this side of Earth. It was a full moon last night and the moon was quite big. The silver lining around it was not so bright but was evident enough of it’s beauty last night. It was getting pale and dull as the sun was making its presence known by each passing moment.
I suddenly had an urge to watch this journey of moon as it was disappearing. Not keeping the count of rounds now, I was walking. I started noticing the color, brightness of the moon as soon as I was reaching the “spot”.
Lost in the magic of that supermoon, when I again reached the spot, I suddenly couldn’t find it! I conspicuously stepped back but in vain. I realised then the sun had brightened up and the sky was all pale blue with the strokes of pale pink and some other shades those are utterly indescribable to human beings!
The sadness of losing the moon was gone instantly and was replaced by the sense of amazement as I noticed the perceptibly changing colors.
Though the moon was gone, it took care of the beauty of nature by ensuring a yet another beautiful sight on the canvas of the horizon.
I returned home savoring the sight, replaying in my mind the silent, serene play of nature and thanking the nature for offering me such a beautiful and amazing event called as the “morning”!

In love with a Voice!

I was lost by the time the song ended. I couldn’t remember for a few seconds that I was at work, stuck at some problem, frustrated because of the lack of the solution and just to relax a bit, I plugged in my earphones and hit the “shuffle”. Then starts the journey towards Heaven and I get lost in it..

The voice caresses you, fondles you. Takes you to the places you have never been before. That song, in his voice is like the abundance of emotions in just a few minutes. He sings for her, describing her, making the song all her’s and unknowingly he makes it his too..
There comes a point, at the brink of the song when it spills out all and possesses the surroundings. All kinds of emotions, wrapped in the divine words spreads around in the space making the tiniest of particles sparkle with them, spreading them through the expanse of the space and beyond it.

The world is full of it now.. Full of his emotions. Full of her descriptions, her depictions, full of his voice.. There is happiness, there is pride, there is love, there is plea too.. The intensity is such thrilling, such potent that it doesn’t remain “his” song anymore. Doesn’t remain his song which was for “her”.

It becomes the song of the Universe. As if sung by the Universe for the Universe. This is how he creates the Universe with his voice..

Key to Happiness!

I am happy today. I don’t know why, it’s just the feeling I am experiencing from early morning. I have been feeling so low lately. I came up with a few reasons for that. Blamed it on work mainly then other things that I don’t get a chance to do and on many such things. And for some reason, I thought hard about all those things. Eventually I realized, everything was just fine. Nothing to complain about. Then I redirected my thoughts towards the things I feel happy about. And there were quite a few! I concentrated hard on them and decided to think about them whenever I feel low again. That worked! ย I am no more feeling low now and I am much happy today. I wish I spend everyday like this. I also decided to give myself more of such “good reasons” to be happy.

Krishna said, one of the goals of our life is to be unattached to the emotions as a drop of water on the leaf of lotus. The water on lotus leaves remains very still on them. As soon as the leaf bends, the drop rolls down and there remains no trace of the drop on the leaf, as if it’s never been there! Such should be one’s mind, He said. Not affected by anything even after feeling everything.ย Emotions will always be there in human beings. Those are the integral part of our life. but we must remain unattached with them. As the situation changes, the emotions changes. We must leave them entirely with the going situations such that there won’t be trace of them at all on our mind. Then may be that will be the start of understanding the life transparently. May be that is what life is all about. May be then we will be at the utmost stage of happiness!

So be unattached and be happy!


A Discovery Indeed!

“Write something that disturbs you”..

Really? Hmm… What disturbs me exactly?.. The mindset of people now a days?.. Or is it their reactions to things? or the incapability of reacting at all.. Or on the other hand, can it be that they are all right in their responses? After all, what they are doing is exactly what their conscience tells them to do. Who am I to judge them?

They have their own world in their mind which only they can understand and according to which they react. So their reactions are fit in their own world. Who knows which battles they face in their lives. May be their lives are more difficult than mine. May be they are struggling to get what I already have. May be they are struggling to be what I naturally am.

Still I whine. I complain. I regret. I feel sad. And I roam around all day with that face of incompleteness. With the look of loss. With the look of impatience, look of hurt… Is this why am I given this life? Is this how am I going to spend it? Do I really want to live like this?

No! Oh God, the answer comes too quickly! No, I don’t want to be like this at all! I want to be happy! Content.. Complete… I want to really live each and every moment that is coming in my way and I want to commit it with good memories. I want to be patient in my battles, never loosing my calm and I want to be content and empathetic with whatever I receive at the end. I want to make my life vibrant with all the colors and not just black. I want to be the sparkling fountain of the colors of bliss!