A Discovery Indeed!

“Write something that disturbs you”..

Really? Hmm… What disturbs me exactly?.. The mindset of people now a days?.. Or is it their reactions to things? or the incapability of reacting at all.. Or on the other hand, can it be that they are all right in their responses? After all, what they are doing is exactly what their conscience tells them to do. Who am I to judge them?

They have their own world in their mind which only they can understand and according to which they react. So their reactions are fit in their own world. Who knows which battles they face in their lives. May be their lives are more difficult than mine. May be they are struggling to get what I already have. May be they are struggling to be what I naturally am.

Still I whine. I complain. I regret. I feel sad. And I roam around all day with that face of incompleteness. With the look of loss. With the look of impatience, look of hurt… Is this why am I given this life? Is this how am I going to spend it? Do I really want to live like this?

No! Oh God, the answer comes too quickly! No, I don’t want to be like this at all! I want to be happy! Content.. Complete… I want to really live each and every moment that is coming in my way and I want to commit it with good memories. I want to be patient in my battles, never loosing my calm and I want to be content and empathetic with whatever I receive at the end. I want to make my life vibrant with all the colors and not just black. I want to be the sparkling fountain of the colors of bliss!

Published by

lost wanderer

Lost in thoughts.. Lost in ppl.. Lost in music.. Lost in books.. Lost in own imagination. Lost in emotions.. Lost in d universe.. Yes, i AM lost.

2 thoughts on “A Discovery Indeed!”

  1. Well said. We have to have been through in order to understand the choices someone made. We can really dimish life’s complexities that day when we could put ourselves to someone’s place and think before judging them.

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